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来源://www.kelonmedia.com日期:2020-11-12 发布人:juyehe


Six painting techniques of household putty powder:
1. Select the appropriate putty, and the primer has good adhesion and mechanical strength, but also has good construction performance, that is, good scraping and filling properties, suitable drying, small shrinkage and grinding resistance.
2. For the pit filling with high anti-corrosion requirements, when mixing putty, water is not used as the regulator, and a certain proportion of filler is directly added into the primer.
3. For the putty used in wood and concrete, gypsum powder, water, resin and additives are often mixed. If paint is used, gypsum powder should be reduced appropriately; if clear oil, varnish and varnish are used, gypsum powder can be appropriate and more.

4. The procedure of scraping and applying putty is as follows: after the primer is actually dry → apply putty with scraper → dry → remove excess putty and dust with inlay knife → scrape putty for the second time → dry → grind and remove dust → scrape putty for the third time. Fine works should be painted with putty for many times, each time should not be too thick, generally should be less than 0.5mm, otherwise it is not easy to dry out or shrink and crack. When scraping and applying multi-layer putty, it should be operated according to the procedure of filling holes locally, then scraping and scraping.
5. Generally, the process of putty scraping is "first, then scraping", that is, filling the putty first, spreading it, and then leveling. Press the scraper with force to make the scraper and the surface of the object incline 50 ° to 60 ° to meet the curved surface construction, the scraper made of rubber can be used instead of the hard scraper to make the quality excellent. When scraping, scrape back and forth once or twice, but there are too many times that can't go back and forth. For oily putty, too many times of reciprocating will squeeze out the oil in the putty and seal on the surface of putty, which will affect the drying.
6. When scraping and coating, the principle is to fill the low missing part of the workpiece to the high contact surface, that is, for the uneven surface, the convex part shall prevail, forming a level. For high decorative coating, putty is generally applied for three times. After drying, sandpaper, grindstone or water sand paper can be used for grinding, and finishing coat can be applied after polishing.